Dani Steunebrink

Web Developer / Game Dev

About me

I am an enthusiastic Game developer based in The Netherlands. I love to code and also make websites from time to time.

I make my own games which I want to share to everyone!

With 6 years of experience and also a diploma in Game Development I have a lot of experience. I have learned multiple languages but work mostly in C# with the program Unity. Through my study and internships I have also learned different work methods like the widely used Scrum method.

My name is Dani Steunebrink and I’m 22 years old. I am currently studying HBO ICT in NHL Stenden. I have already finished a MBO game development study at the Alfa-College in Groningen. I have been programming for a total of 6 years now, mainly in the languages C#. Through my studies and work I have also learnt to work with C++, PHP, JavaScript and Plesk.

What I do

In my personal time I like to develop my own games. You can find all the games I created or helped creating in my portfolio.

Using WordPress I enjoy making websites. I’m able to create both websites and webshops using WordPress and Woocommerce.

During my studies I’ve created multiple Apps. I have beginner experience but would love to do more projects and grow!

About Me






My Experience


Triple Motion Media

Intern Unity Developer

While working for Triple Motion Media I helped develop the game Care-Up. Care-Up is an educational game to help people who work in care learn certain nursing procedures. For Care-Up I also set up the VR version game, which isn’t released yet.



Happy customer employee

Here at SoHosted my responsibility is helping our customers by providing technical support. We do this through emails, live chat and telephone. SoHosted is a web hosting company, this means I work a lot with websites and email programs from which I’ve got a lot of relevant experience as a webdeveloper.
